Washington State Department of Health

WA State Department of Health South Whidbey Vaccinations Event

COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations for 6m and older Childhood Immunizations for 6m-18y

DATE:               Saturday, November 9
TIME:               9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (New Time)
WHERE:           Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland (Auxiliary building on SE corner of SR525 and Woodard Ave.)
WHAT:              COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations for 6m and older Childhood Immunizations for 6m-18y

Registration links for the QR codes on the flyers:

English https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov/appointment/en/client/registration?clinic_id=24326

Spanish https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov/appointment/es/client/registration?clinic_id=24326

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