2016 Mystery Weekend Solution
We are sad to announce that the person arrested for the murder of British Shakespearean actor Sir Laurence Burton was carpenter, general contractor, and 49er, Joe Curr.
According to Detective I.B. Fuzz, these were the clues which lead her to her solution.
Joe Curr had been hired by Sir Laurence as carpenter/general contractor for construction of the Hare Haven rabbit rescue. CLUE #2
Joe Curr was told by Sir Laurence that funds for construction were short and rabbits which had been delivered were being kept in cages. CLUE #32
Joe was running out of money for construction of Hare Haven. CLUE #23
Joe cared about the rabbits having good homes at Hare Haven and did not like what he saw happening at Hare Haven. He shared his suspicions with Roger Babbit and told Roger he was considering joining in the Free Range Rabbit movement. CLUE #13
The money Joe Curr was getting from Sir Laurence was getting so tight that Joe had resorted to buying carrots to feed them out of his own money. He told people, “something is off there” and that he might start doing some “rabbit rescue” of his own. CLUE #21
Joe told the 49ers that. “Something fishy is going on at Hare Haven and I intend to find out what.” CLUE #22
Joe found out Gustaf Hausen had suddenly found a source for local rabbit for his Hasenpfeffer Incorporated Restaurant. CLUE #10
Joe was seen driving into Langley early Friday morning. CLUE #12
C.S.I. determined that the unusual knife found at the crime scene was actually a stage dagger belonging to the victim, Sir Laurence.
The Coroner determined in his complete autopsy that the cause of death was a deep and narrow stab wound.
Officer Graph was asked to reexamine the scene of the crime and she discovered an awl hidden under a bush. She had missed it in her earlier investigation. The awl was covered in blood.
Joe Curr is a carpenter.
Carpenters use awls.
Joe was a rabbit lover and suspected Sir Laurence was planning to sell the rabbits to Hausenpfeffer Incorporated to make money for himself.
Joe called Sir Laurence to confront him and whatever Sir Laurence said to him made Joe so angry he stabbed Sir Laurence Burton with the carpenter’s awl as Burton was leaving The Inn at Langley after signing the final contract with Gustaf Hausen.
To view the winners from the 2016 Mystery Weekend giveaway, click here.